SQL Server nvarchar vs varchar : cybexhosting.net

Hello there, and welcome to our in-depth article on SQL Server nvarchar vs varchar. In this guide, we’ll be covering everything you need to know about these two data types. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced SQL Server user, you’ll find something of value in this article.

What are nvarchar and varchar?

Before we dive into the differences between nvarchar and varchar, let’s first define what they are. nvarchar and varchar are both data types used in SQL Server to store text data. The main difference between them is how they handle character encoding.

What is character encoding?

Character encoding refers to the way in which character data is represented in a computer system. There are many different character encodings, each with its own set of rules for mapping characters to binary code. Some of the most common character encodings include ASCII, Unicode, and UTF-8.

In SQL Server, character data can be stored using either the nvarchar or varchar data type. The main difference between these two types is in how they handle Unicode encoding.

What is the difference between nvarchar and varchar?

As mentioned above, the main difference between nvarchar and varchar is in how they handle Unicode characters. Unicode is a character encoding standard that allows for the representation of characters from virtually all languages and scripts in use today.

When you use the nvarchar data type to store text data, SQL Server stores the data using the Unicode character encoding standard. This means that each character is represented using two bytes of storage space. In contrast, when you use the varchar data type, SQL Server uses the ASCII character encoding standard, which means that each character is represented using only one byte of storage space.

When to use nvarchar?

The nvarchar data type is generally used when you need to store text data that includes special characters, such as characters with accents or characters from non-Latin scripts. It’s also a good choice when you’re unsure of the character set that will be used to enter the data.

Because nvarchar supports Unicode encoding, it can store characters from virtually any language or script, making it a versatile choice for international applications.

When to use varchar?

The varchar data type is generally used when you need to store text data that does not include special characters and when you know the character set that will be used to enter the data.

Because varchar uses the ASCII character encoding standard, it can store only characters from the standard ASCII set, which includes characters from the English alphabet and a limited set of punctuation marks and symbols.

nvarchar vs varchar: Performance considerations

When it comes to performance, there are some important considerations to keep in mind when choosing between nvarchar and varchar.

Because nvarchar uses two bytes of storage space per character, it requires more disk space than varchar. This can be a concern in applications that store a large amount of text data, particularly if disk space is limited.

Additionally, because nvarchar requires more storage space, it can be slower to index and query than varchar. This can be a concern in applications where speed is critical, particularly in large databases with complex queries.

nvarchar vs varchar: Pros and Cons

Now that we’ve covered the main differences between nvarchar and varchar, let’s take a closer look at the pros and cons of each data type:

Pros of nvarchar:

  • Supports Unicode encoding, making it a good choice for international applications.
  • Can store characters from virtually any language or script, making it a versatile choice for text data.

Cons of nvarchar:

  • Requires more disk space than varchar, which can be a concern in applications with storage limitations.
  • Can be slower to index and query than varchar, particularly in large databases with complex queries.

Pros of varchar:

  • Requires less disk space than nvarchar, making it a good choice for applications with storage limitations.
  • Can be faster to index and query than nvarchar, particularly in large databases with complex queries.

Cons of varchar:

  • Does not support Unicode encoding, which can be a concern in international applications or applications with text data that includes special characters.
  • Can store only characters from the standard ASCII set, which can be a limitation in applications that require support for non-English languages or scripts.

Table: Comparison between nvarchar and varchar

Property nvarchar varchar
Character encoding Unicode ASCII
Storage space per character Two bytes One byte
Supported character sets All Standard ASCII
Usage International applications or text data with special characters Applications with storage limitations or text data without special characters


1. Can I convert a column from varchar to nvarchar?

Yes, you can convert a column from varchar to nvarchar using the ALTER TABLE statement. However, keep in mind that this will require more disk space and may affect performance.

2. Can I convert a column from nvarchar to varchar?

Yes, you can convert a column from nvarchar to varchar using the ALTER TABLE statement. However, be aware that this may result in data loss if the nvarchar column contains characters that cannot be represented in the ASCII character set.

3. Is there a performance difference between nvarchar and varchar?

Yes, there is a performance difference between nvarchar and varchar. Because nvarchar requires more disk space and uses Unicode encoding, it can be slower to index and query than varchar.

4. What is the maximum length of nvarchar and varchar columns?

The maximum length of an nvarchar column is 4,000 characters, while the maximum length of a varchar column is 8,000 characters. However, keep in mind that the actual maximum length will depend on factors such as the database version and the collation settings.

5. Which data type should I use for email addresses?

For email addresses, it’s typically best to use the nvarchar data type. This is because email addresses can include special characters such as “@” and “.”, which may not be supported by the ASCII character set used by varchar.


In conclusion, nvarchar and varchar are both important data types in SQL Server, used to store text data. The main difference between them is in how they handle character encoding, with nvarchar supporting Unicode encoding and varchar using the ASCII character encoding standard.

When choosing between nvarchar and varchar, it’s important to consider the specific requirements of your application, including the character set of your text data, the amount of storage space available, and the performance requirements of your database.

By understanding the differences between nvarchar and varchar, you can make an informed decision about which data type to use for your specific needs, ensuring optimal performance and reliability for your SQL Server applications.

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